domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014

Aula de Informática

Bom, este semestre tivemos uma disciplina chamada informática aplicada. No início eu não me empolguei muito, mas acabei descobrindo, que haviam muitas coisa para eu aprender sobre isto ainda.
Eu achei as aulas bem dinâmicas e com assuntos diferenciados (não foi aquela coisa chata de word e power point sabe), aprendemos a usar ferramentas novas e também muitos atalhos que facilitam nossa vida, já que estamos diariamente lidando com tecnologias, que aliás, se renovam constantemente, e a ritmo acelerado. 
Eu gostei muito das aulas (não é pra puxar saco não professor kkk), e com certeza utilizarei, e aliás, já utilizo, muito do que eu aprendi.
Ao meu ver, e creio que pra quase todo mundo, essa é uma matéria essencial, porque, hoje em dia, quem não trabalha utilizando tecnologia? 
E quem trabalha, tem que saber como trabalhar com diversos programas e ferramentas diferentes.
Eu achei um semestre proveitoso, mas também passou muito rápido. 
Obrigada pelas aulas professor :) 

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

It's about time..

... to be December!! I love December, I love vacation, and I wish I could have that right away. Nothing better than the beach, the sun, the family together, and the Xmas party. U know here in Brazil, it's summer in December, and I love it. 
And I'm really excited cuz I'm gonna travel in the end of the year, I'll spend almost a month with my boyfriend in Colombia. That's a pitty I'm not gonna pass the special dates with my family, but I will with my boyfriend's, so it's gonna be really nice, I love them, 
I'm going there in two months, I want the time to pass really fast. 

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

A prediction about my life

I don't know what's gonna happen in my life. I have too many plans, but there's something that I want the most: Traveling around the world. As I always say, the world is so big, it would be a pitty waste the opportunity of knowing where I live while I'm still here. I wanna know 'my house'. And I'll do it, I'm sure of it. I think it's amazing, because it open our eyes to a different world, and you feel the difference when you are back home. 
Traveling it's one of my dreams. I've already started that, traveling to Colombia, and it was amazing! My plan is, first of all, knowing all America, then going furter. 
I wanna know as much as I can, and I'll do it, I won't miss a thing!

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014


Hey :)
Well, those who know me say tha I'm extremely feminist haha But the thing is that I just wanna fight for my rights. Last Tuesday we had a really interesting lecture about feminism in my university, I was chocked with many things that I had to hear, but there are things that happen in our society. I also reflected about many concepts in different ways.
They said, for example, that a person can be feminine, feminist, male or sexist, it doesn't matter the gender. 
Being feminine is acting like a "woman should act like" according to what our society says. And being male, the same thing. 
To exemplify what I want to say: <-- "Equadorian campaign against sexism"
When we think about feminism, we always think about women  and feminists, but men can be feminist too, because they agree with ideas of feminists or a woman can be sexist too, because they agree with the way that our society is.
They define feminism as: "a political movement, which aims  equality more than that, defies this unilateral system."
And sexism as: "a patriarchal system of institutionalized oppression of one gender over another. "
In my opinion, it was the best definition of feminism and sexism that I've ever heard. 
The feminism comes to change the stereotypes, to protect women, to say that "yeah we have the same rights that you!" 
I saw a phrase that really made me think: "the woman must give respect, rather than have it by right". Why? Have you thought about it? Why should we give respect and not receive it? Why a man can have it by a right and we don't? 
A girl, for example, is wearing a short skirt, a man rapes her, it's her fault because she didn't give respect, she "asked to be raped"
REALLY? And what about the man actitude? 
Classes teaching girls how to dress to avoid these kind of things to happen.... it means, they prefer to prevent the girls from wearing the clothes they want instead of changing a man's head and behaviour.
Other thing really wrong is about the payment for women and men. I've heard about the differences between them, but I didn't know that  difference was that big! 
Here in Brazil, for example, the salary of a woman is 22% lower than of a man. (According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)
A woman always earns 69% of any profession. (According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) 
This is so stupid!! I really can't understand why, girls can do a job as good as men do, perhaps better, I'd like to know where they are based to distribute the salaries. And it's not only here in Brazil, we found inequalities like that (even worst) around the world, and it makes me so sad! What kind of world we are living in? Why does it happen? Why is the idea of inferiority so deep in ''our'' minds? Even in women`s minds? 
We have to change it! We don't have to shut, we don't have to do what they tell us to do, or act as they want us to act. 
In fact, "Well behaved women do not appear historically"

sábado, 14 de junho de 2014


Nosotros tuvimos, en el principio de Mayo una presentación muy chevere e interessante acerca de Colombia "Mi tierra querida!" presentada por los intercambistas Andrea Ozorco, Sara Manuela y Juan González. A mi me gusto mucho, de verdad, y más porque yo tengo un cariño especial por Colombia, porque mi novio es colombiano *-* entonces, muchas cosas obviamente, ya sabia, pero conoci muchas cosas más, y como mi novio es de Bogotá y ellos son de Manizales, tuve una visión de otros colombianos acerca de Colombia y conoci más acerca de lo país y de la cultura de ellos. 



Colombia es un país ubicado en  el noroccidente de América del Sur, este país está bañado por el océano pacifico, el océano atlántico y el mar caribe.

El deporte nacional de Colombia es el futbol, pero este país es reconocido también por el ciclismo y el patinaje. Los deportes autóctonos de ese país son: La rana y el tejo.

La Rana

El Tejo

Este país es muy importante en la región gracias a su posición geográfica y al crecimiento económico que ha tenido desde hace una década.
Las ciudades más importantes de Colombia son:
·         Bogotá D.C (Ciudad capital de Colombia).
·         Medellín (Capital del departamento de Antioquía).
·         Cali (Capital del departamento del Valle del Cauca).
·         Barranquilla (Capital del departamento de Atlántico).
·         Bucaramanga (Capital del departamento de Santander).

Los colores de la bandera tienen un significado importante y es el siguiente:
·         Amarillo: significa la riqueza y el oro que se encuentra y se encontraba en el país antes y después de la colonización española.
·         Azul: significa agua por la cantidad de recursos hídricos con los que cuenta Colombia y porque esta bañada por dos grandes océanos y por el mar caribe.
·         Rojo: Representa la sangre que perdieron los próceres de la patria para conseguir la libertad.

El proceso independista de Colombia comenzó el 20 de Julio de 1810 en la ciudad de Bogotá y culmino en el departamento de Boyacá el 7 de Agosto de 1819.
La moneda nacional de Colombia es el Peso Colombiano y sus siglas internacionales son COP.
Colombia está dividida en 32 departamentos.

Los símbolos de Colombia son los siguientes:
·         Animal nacional: El cóndor andino.

·         Flor nacional: la orquídea.

·         El árbol nacional: La palma de cera.

Las ferias más importantes de Colombia son:
  • ·         Carnaval de Barranquilla.
  • ·         Feria de Manizales.
  • ·         Feria de Cali.
  • ·         Feria de las flores en Medellín. 
Andrea, Juan, Sara y yo

Presentación Colombia

domingo, 11 de maio de 2014

A mi me gustan muchos tipos de música. Uno de mis cantantes favoritos es el colombiano Andrés Cepeda. Severo cantante. Esta es una de mis canciones de el que a mi más me gusta. Have a look.
Un Ratito - André Cepeda

sábado, 10 de maio de 2014


Nosostros tuvimos el privilégio de tener una presentación de dos muchachas de España este més en nuestra universidad. Ellas se llaman Paola Rodrígues y Sonia Piqueras, son de Valencia y estudian Educación Social. Dos muchachas muy cheveres que nos enseñaron muchas cosas acerca de España, más precisamente de Valencia.

Nos hablaron de las estaciones que allá son diferentes que aqui.
  • En Valencia:

Invierno: Diciembre - Marzo
Primavera: Marzo - Junio
Verano: Junio - Septiembre
Otono: Septiembre - Diciembre

  • En Brasil
Invierno: Junio - Septiembre
Pimavera: Septiembre - Diciembre
Verano: Deciembre - Marzo
Otono: Marzo - Junio

Acerca de la ciudad:

Tiene una población de cerca de 800.469 habitantes, siendo la tercera ciudad más poblada de España, después de Madrid y Barcelona.

Monumentos Históricos:

Sus monumentos históricos como La catedral de Valencia, La Lonja, las Puertas de la muralla, la Plaza de Toros, Las artes y las Ciências, El puente de l'Assunt de L'or, etc. Lugares muuuy hermosos y interesantes de conocer.

La Catedral de Valencia
Plaza de los Toros

La Lonja

El puente de l'Assunt de L'or


Las lenguas que hablan allá en Valencia son Castellano y Valenciano, estas dos lenguas son enseñadas en todas las escuelas de la ciudad, siendo que en algunas se enseña más el Castellano y en la otra el Valenciano, pero las dos lenguas son mucho habladas allá, son una mescla de Español y Italiano, y tienes sus particuliaridades. Muy chevere e interesante!


Las fiestas allá, en general son casi como aqui en Brasil, pero nos hablaron más de una fiesta en particular, que es la más popular de España, que son las Fallas, doendo construyen monumentos hechos de carton, como grandes muñecos y desfilan en las calles, las mejores Fallas ganan premiaciones y todo! Esa fiesta siempre pasa en Marzo y tiene varios dias de duración, siendo que en cada días hacen algo diferente, las premiaciones, la mascleta, la ofrenda y la crema de las fallas, si al final de todo creman todas las fallas!! Qué raro! Y que miedo.. jajaja'


Las principales comidas de allá son la Paella, Arroz al horno, All i pebre, Agua de Valencia, buñuelos, Rochata y fartóns entre otras cosas. Hmmmmmm..


Agua de Valencia


All i pebre


During our last English class we had a really interesting presentation by Michayla Chandler. She's an American girl, from Knoxville Tenesesee, but her current city is Elgin. In the mid-east of the USA. She's 17. She has been in Brazil for almost a year. She's living in Blumenau and she's studying at Santos Dumont . Michayla understands Portuguese but she says she  doesn't talk so well, I think she's a bit afraid of talking. She seems a bit shy, but she's really nice. 
Michayla explained us about her country, she talked about the most popular cities in the USA (Miami, Chicago, Washington DC, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Denver, Indianapolis, Baltimore). I asked her what places she has visited there, and she told me that she went to Miami, NY and another place that I unfortunately don't remember. And here in Brazil, she went to Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso do Sul, and some other places, and she also visited Bolívia, with her hostfamily.
She told us that her hostfamily don't speak English so she has to speak ptg, it was a bit hard in  the begining but now she's a bit more used to that.
About the most important holidays there, she said that there are three. Thanksgiving, Xtmas and 4th July. 
I asked her what they, American,  think of us and I felt that she was a bit afraid of answering that question, but she answered anyway. 
Well, she talked about stereotypes : we wear small biquinis, Brazilian girls have big butts, she said that they don't use to shave their legs, but we always do that  and they have something called Brazilian wax there, she said that some people think that there is a jungle around here  and a friend asked her if she had a monkey as a pet  in Brazil! They say that Rio is really dangerous,if you go there and you are a tourist they  will kidnap you and they steal your kidneys and sell them, MY GOD!
 But she knows it is a lie because they exaggerate everything. She also said 10 words connected  to Brazilian people and also to  American people.
Brazilian People:
1. Welcoming
2. Friendly
3. Never on time (hahaha because of the traffic)
4. Family oriented 
5. Adventurous
6. Lay back (in a good way)
7. Put-together (we care more about our appearance, we try to look well, always)
8.  Talkative
9. Concerned
10. Indirect (we usually don't go straight to the point haha)

American People:
1. Monocromatic 
2. Usually on time
3. Opinionated
4. Home bodies (they prefer to stay at home)
5. Less family oriented ( She told us that there they don't spend so much time with their families, but here we do, and she felt a bit weird with that in  the begining because she wasn't used to that, there they spend more time with their friends)
6. More independent (They don't talk to their parents so much when they have a problem, for example, they try to solve it by themselves)
7. Patriotic (Oh yeah, they are really patriotic!)
8. More direct
9. Agressive (in a positive way)
10. Good competitors

I really liked talking to her, and know more about her country and know what she thinks about Brazil and how she feels here. I also really liked listening  to her accent, because English is her mother tongue  so she has a beautiful accent, it fascinates me! hahaha
I hope I can meet more American people and make more friends, and maybe catch  their accents
I love English Emoji

Still talking about the enviroment, let's think what we could do in our homes do be more ecofriendly. I have some ideas.

Sustainable ideas to do at home

  • Turn off the lights when you are not in the room;

  • Keep  plastic bags to reuse them and collect trash, or put something into them  to take to another place, or you can simply  change those plastic bags to sustainable bags;

  • You can wash your car using buckets of water instead of using lots of water with the hose turned on;

  • Do not let the water run while you  soap in the shower;

  • Reuse the water that you have used to wash clothes or  wash the porch;

  • Plant flowers and trees;

  • Separate  trash;

I found a really interesting site with green ideas to make your house greener , really nice tips! :D

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Nowadays, much is said about saving the environment, but little is done. Let's save the enviroment!

terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014

Watching Friends

Last week, I watched a really funny episode of Friends, called "Rachel's book".
Well, I made a resume of the episode. Let's see what you think.

In the episode Joey find an erotic book in Rachel's room, he read that and then he start bothering her because she has that. Monica and Chandler, with Phoebe and Rachel's help, chose the things for their wedding. They (Monica and Chandler) ask money to Monica's parents for the weeding, but they tell them that they've spent all the money that they were keeping for the wedding, with other stuff. Monica get really sad. Chandler decide to  tell her that he has money enough in his bank account, and she wants him to spend all his money in the wedding, but he say no because he kept that money for six years, and he wants to spend that in something important, not all that in the party. They have a kind of argument. But after a period of time, they get along, and Chandler decide to use that money in the wedding. Also in the episode, Phoebe moves to Ross apartment because she wants to leave the couple alone, because now they are getting married, she is a masseuse and she start bringing people to the apartmment and Ross doesn't like it and then many things happen, but in the end of the episode, everything ends well. 

Virtual life

I spend lot of time on the internet. Checking what's happening in the world, what my friends are doing and talking to my boyfriend. He lives so far from me, so that's the way we can talk and see each other. 
I'm always connected.

About Denmark..

Last Tuesday (March 11th, 2014) we had a really interesting presentation about Denmark, with an exchange student, his name is Albert Brincker Olson,he's 16 years old and he's from Compenhagen, Denmark.
He told us a bit about history, culture of his country and he showed us a  video with  attractions and some tourist information. He also talked about his experiences in Brazil.
Well, I'm really impressed with Denmark, the place is really beautiful. The old churches, the houses, the streets... The country is an old country,many of the constructions are from the XVIII and XIX centuries, and that gives a  more charming atmosphere to Denmark. He told us about Stroget, the largest street in the world where it is not possible to drive. The street was designed for  people go  walking, ride a bike, go shopping, and relax. And I thougt it is great!
He showed us  Tivoli park, an amusement park there. That park inspired Disneyland. Amazing! I really felt like going there.
Then he also talked about the kinds of beer there. The most popular beer brands there are Carlsberg and Tuborg. 90% of the beer there is Danish, just 10% is imported. Danish people really like drinking beer, and there you are allowed to drink when you are 16 haha.
Danish people follow  the 'coconut model'. As he said, closed closed, they don't seem to be so friendly, but when  you gotta know them deeply you  realize that they are really nice people. Particulary I didn't think that Albert is a cold person, first time that I saw him, at least ...but that's ok.
Well, and he talked about the government, and many other interesting things, but I'll stop here because it's getting so long.
I can say that after this presentation, I left the classroom with a big wish .. I wanna go to Denmark. I gotta visit this country, and I'm sure I'm going there one day.