segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014


Hey :)
Well, those who know me say tha I'm extremely feminist haha But the thing is that I just wanna fight for my rights. Last Tuesday we had a really interesting lecture about feminism in my university, I was chocked with many things that I had to hear, but there are things that happen in our society. I also reflected about many concepts in different ways.
They said, for example, that a person can be feminine, feminist, male or sexist, it doesn't matter the gender. 
Being feminine is acting like a "woman should act like" according to what our society says. And being male, the same thing. 
To exemplify what I want to say: <-- "Equadorian campaign against sexism"
When we think about feminism, we always think about women  and feminists, but men can be feminist too, because they agree with ideas of feminists or a woman can be sexist too, because they agree with the way that our society is.
They define feminism as: "a political movement, which aims  equality more than that, defies this unilateral system."
And sexism as: "a patriarchal system of institutionalized oppression of one gender over another. "
In my opinion, it was the best definition of feminism and sexism that I've ever heard. 
The feminism comes to change the stereotypes, to protect women, to say that "yeah we have the same rights that you!" 
I saw a phrase that really made me think: "the woman must give respect, rather than have it by right". Why? Have you thought about it? Why should we give respect and not receive it? Why a man can have it by a right and we don't? 
A girl, for example, is wearing a short skirt, a man rapes her, it's her fault because she didn't give respect, she "asked to be raped"
REALLY? And what about the man actitude? 
Classes teaching girls how to dress to avoid these kind of things to happen.... it means, they prefer to prevent the girls from wearing the clothes they want instead of changing a man's head and behaviour.
Other thing really wrong is about the payment for women and men. I've heard about the differences between them, but I didn't know that  difference was that big! 
Here in Brazil, for example, the salary of a woman is 22% lower than of a man. (According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)
A woman always earns 69% of any profession. (According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) 
This is so stupid!! I really can't understand why, girls can do a job as good as men do, perhaps better, I'd like to know where they are based to distribute the salaries. And it's not only here in Brazil, we found inequalities like that (even worst) around the world, and it makes me so sad! What kind of world we are living in? Why does it happen? Why is the idea of inferiority so deep in ''our'' minds? Even in women`s minds? 
We have to change it! We don't have to shut, we don't have to do what they tell us to do, or act as they want us to act. 
In fact, "Well behaved women do not appear historically"

sábado, 14 de junho de 2014


Nosotros tuvimos, en el principio de Mayo una presentación muy chevere e interessante acerca de Colombia "Mi tierra querida!" presentada por los intercambistas Andrea Ozorco, Sara Manuela y Juan González. A mi me gusto mucho, de verdad, y más porque yo tengo un cariño especial por Colombia, porque mi novio es colombiano *-* entonces, muchas cosas obviamente, ya sabia, pero conoci muchas cosas más, y como mi novio es de Bogotá y ellos son de Manizales, tuve una visión de otros colombianos acerca de Colombia y conoci más acerca de lo país y de la cultura de ellos. 



Colombia es un país ubicado en  el noroccidente de América del Sur, este país está bañado por el océano pacifico, el océano atlántico y el mar caribe.

El deporte nacional de Colombia es el futbol, pero este país es reconocido también por el ciclismo y el patinaje. Los deportes autóctonos de ese país son: La rana y el tejo.

La Rana

El Tejo

Este país es muy importante en la región gracias a su posición geográfica y al crecimiento económico que ha tenido desde hace una década.
Las ciudades más importantes de Colombia son:
·         Bogotá D.C (Ciudad capital de Colombia).
·         Medellín (Capital del departamento de Antioquía).
·         Cali (Capital del departamento del Valle del Cauca).
·         Barranquilla (Capital del departamento de Atlántico).
·         Bucaramanga (Capital del departamento de Santander).

Los colores de la bandera tienen un significado importante y es el siguiente:
·         Amarillo: significa la riqueza y el oro que se encuentra y se encontraba en el país antes y después de la colonización española.
·         Azul: significa agua por la cantidad de recursos hídricos con los que cuenta Colombia y porque esta bañada por dos grandes océanos y por el mar caribe.
·         Rojo: Representa la sangre que perdieron los próceres de la patria para conseguir la libertad.

El proceso independista de Colombia comenzó el 20 de Julio de 1810 en la ciudad de Bogotá y culmino en el departamento de Boyacá el 7 de Agosto de 1819.
La moneda nacional de Colombia es el Peso Colombiano y sus siglas internacionales son COP.
Colombia está dividida en 32 departamentos.

Los símbolos de Colombia son los siguientes:
·         Animal nacional: El cóndor andino.

·         Flor nacional: la orquídea.

·         El árbol nacional: La palma de cera.

Las ferias más importantes de Colombia son:
  • ·         Carnaval de Barranquilla.
  • ·         Feria de Manizales.
  • ·         Feria de Cali.
  • ·         Feria de las flores en Medellín. 
Andrea, Juan, Sara y yo

Presentación Colombia